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Do this immediately to BOOST your phone 10x Faster

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If you're looking to give your Android phone a speed boost, there are several tips and tricks you can try. Over time, even with a good internet connection and healthy battery, phones can slow down. Here are nine ways to make your phone faster, smoother, and more responsive:

Use a regular wallpaper: If you're currently using a live wallpaper, it's best to switch to a regular wallpaper. Live wallpapers can run in the background and slow down your phone's performance.

Remove widgets from your home screen: Widgets like weather reports, Google search, and music widgets may be convenient, but they use up a lot of RAM and can slow down your device. It's a good idea to remove any unnecessary widgets from your home screen.

Uninstall or pause unused apps: Having too many apps installed on your phone can also slow it down. Uninstall or pause any apps that you're not using regularly to free up resources and improve performance.


Uninstall or pause unused apps on your phone: Did you know that having too many unused apps on your phone can significantly slow it down? Apps not only take up storage space, but also consume a lot of RAM, causing your phone to lag. It's time to uninstall any apps you no longer use.
You may have also installed cleaner and launcher apps thinking they would speed up your phone. However, these apps take up a lot of space and their constant scanning and cleaning process can further slow down your device. Uninstall these apps to free up resources.

Sometimes, we may have pre-installed apps on our phone that we don't use or can't uninstall. In such cases, we can pause these apps to prevent them from running in the background. To do this, go to settings, look for Digital Wellbeing and Parental Controls, and tap on it. Here, you can find all the apps and their usage time. Select the app you want to pause, and set the timer to zero to stop it from running in the background. This way, you can pause default apps that you no longer use and free up space on your phone.

Another useful tip is to delete large files from your phone using the "Google Files" app. This app helps you locate large files and unused apps that take up space on your device. Simply download the app, open it, and follow the prompts to delete unnecessary files and free up space.

Deleting large files from your phone using Google Files is a great way to free up space on your device and improve its performance. To do this, simply open the Google Files app on your phone and look for the files that are taking up the most space, such as duplicate photos, large videos, or documents. Once you have identified these files, you can select and delete them to free up space on your phone.



In addition to deleting large files, using light versions of apps instead of full versions can also help improve your phone's performance. Light apps are designed to be lightweight and fast, which means they take up less space and use less data. Some popular light apps include Facebook Lite, Instagram Lite, and Spotify Lite. You can also try using lightweight versions of Google apps such as Google Go, Google Maps Go, Google Assistant Go, and Gmail Go. By switching to these lighter apps, you can free up space on your phone's RAM and enjoy a more efficient device.






Using light apps instead of full versions can be a smart way to improve your phone's performance. These apps are designed to be lightweight, fast, and efficient, which helps save space, reduce data usage, and enhance overall performance. Popular light apps include Facebook Lite, Instagram Lite, and Spotify Lite.

To start using light apps, you can uninstall the regular version of an app, such as Facebook, from your phone. Then, go to the app store and search for the light version, such as Facebook Lite. Install it, and you're good to go! You can apply the same process for other light apps.

In addition to social media and music apps, some Google-based apps like Google Chrome, Google Maps, Google Assistant, and Gmail can take up a lot of space and RAM on your phone. But there are lighter alternatives available, such as Google Go, Google Maps Go, Google Assistant Go, and Gmail Go. These options are great for users who have limited storage space. By switching to these lightweight apps, you can free up space on your phone's RAM and enjoy a more efficient and speedy device.

Lastly, clearing the cache memory of your phone can also improve its performance. So, give using light apps and clearing your cache memory a try, and experience the difference for yourself!





Clearing up the cache memory of your phone can significantly improve its performance. Cache memory is a temporary storage that contains copies of recently used data to make it easier to access in the future. However, over time, this cache can accumulate a lot of unnecessary data, which can slow down your phone.

To clear the cache memory of your phone, first, go to the settings, then navigate to the "about device" option, and select "storage." Here, you can see how much storage space you have left on your device. Find the app for which you want to clear the cache memory and select it. You can see the amount of cache data the app is using. To clear it, tap on "clear cache," and the data will be deleted. It's important to note that clearing the cache memory will only delete temporary data stored on the app and not your personal data. You can repeat this process for other apps to free up more space on your phone.

Additionally, limiting background processes can also improve your phone's performance. Background processes refer to the apps that run in the background even when you're not using them. These processes can consume a lot of memory and resources, causing your phone to slow down. To limit background processes, go to the settings and select "developer options." Here, you can see the option to limit the number of background processes. Select the number that works best for you, and your phone's performance should improve. However, it's important to note that the steps to access developer options may vary depending on the make and model of your phone.







Limiting background processes can significantly improve your phone's performance. When you have too many apps running in the background, they consume a lot of memory and resources, causing your phone to slow down. To limit background processes, you first need to enable the developer option on your phone. To do this, go to the settings, tap on "about phone," and tap on "build number" seven times to enable the developer mode.

Once you have enabled it, you can limit the background processes by going back to the main settings page and searching for "background process limit." Here, you can set the limit for the number of background processes. For example, you can set it to "at most three processes," which means that you will only have the three most recent processes you used in the background.

After selecting the limit, it's recommended that you close all the apps and restart your phone for the changes to take effect. This is a great way to make your phone work more efficiently.

Another way to improve your phone's performance is to reduce the phone's animation. Animations can make your phone look smoother, but they can also slow down its performance. To reduce the phone's animation, go to the settings and select "developer options." Here, you can find the option to reduce animation. Set the value to "off" or "0.5x" to reduce the animation and improve your phone's performance. However, it's important to note that reducing the animation may make your phone look less smooth.




Reducing the animation scale can definitely help in improving the performance of your Android phone. By default, the animation scale is set to 1x, which means that the animations play at their full speed. However, you can reduce this scale to 0.5x or turn off the animation altogether to speed up your phone.

To reduce the animation scale, you need to first enable the Developer Options on your phone. Once you have done that, go to the Developer Options and scroll down to find the Animation Scale options. Here, you can select the animation scale you want to use. Selecting a lower scale or turning off the animation can make your phone feel more responsive and faster.

If you have tried all the tricks to speed up your Android phone, including reducing animation scales, deleting large files, clearing temporary storage, and disabling unnecessary apps, and your phone is still lagging, then a factory reset might be the best option for you. A factory reset will delete everything on your phone and restore it to its original state, like a new device. However, make sure you have backed up all your important data before doing a factory reset, as it will erase everything from your phone. You can find the factory reset option in the settings menu of your phone.


Here are nine tips to help you speed up your slow Android phone and restore its performance to its former glory. Firstly, clear out large files, temporary files, and disable unnecessary apps to free up space and reduce memory usage. Secondly, check for software updates and install them if available as these can contain performance enhancements. Thirdly, try using Lite versions of apps, as these use fewer resources and can improve your phone's speed.

Fourthly, limit your use of widgets as they can drain your battery and consume system resources. Fifthly, reduce the number of apps running in the background by closing them when not in use. Sixthly, remove unnecessary home screen pages as these can also slow down your phone.

Seventhly, reduce the animation scale by going to the developer options in settings and selecting a lower animation scale or turning it off completely. This can make a noticeable difference in performance. If all else fails, try doing a factory reset of your phone to restore it to its original state, but be sure to back up all your important data first.

Give these tips a try and let us know which ones worked best for you in the comments. Don't forget to give us a thumbs up if you found this video helpful and subscribe to our channel for more great tech tips and tutorials. Thanks for watching, and take care!

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